Please join the Mary Lou Zeek Gallery in building Salem’s reputation as a vibrant and successful arts destination. For the month of May, the Mary Lou Zeek Gallery’s show; Beyond the Gallery Door – Art Builds Community will be showing the work of 14 Salem artists. By going beyond the gallery door and into these artists studios, the gallery hopes to enlighten our community of the importance of these artists, how they enrich our community and the work they do to build Salem into a creative and cultural hub for the arts.
Each of these talented artists were photographed in their studio settings by William Bragg from Salem’s William Bragg Photography. These photos will accompany the artwork by these artists for this upcoming show. A completed coffee table book will also be available showing a view into their art studios as well as their artwork.
Included artists are; Emily Stuart, John VanDreal, Dave Nichols, Sandra Nichols, Robert Bibler, Carol Hausser, Kristin Kuhns, Sue-Del McCulloch, Nancy Lindburg, Bonnie Hull, Jed Thomas, Terry Melton, Robert Hess and Susan Trueblood Stuart.
The Mary Lou Zeek Gallery has an excellent reputation and has produced many successful shows with the support of many local businesses who believe Salem is a vibrant and successful arts destination. This year’s sponsors are: Salem Electric, CBTwo Architects and Construction, Pioneer Trust Bank, WVP Health Authority and the Salem Conference Center.